Monday, October 30, 2023

New release: Come Walk with Me: Messages from Yeshua - by Jeri Castronova

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This is not a religious book. These stories came before religion. These are the stories the patriarchy deleted, the truth of Yeshua's life that have never been told, until Now.

Yeshua could not have become the Divine Masculine Christ without his Divine Feminine counterpart. This book is for those who thirst for more about the true teachings, healings, miracles, travels to Tibet, India, Glastonbury, Egypt, Turkey, France, and marriage to his Beloved Mary Magdalene.

Many Christians believe all they have to do is believe in Yeshua without doing anything else-no kindness to others or to animals, no helping the poor, no generosity to the sick. Yeshua emphasized serving others and doing inner work by living his teachings through the loving vibration of his words.

Many have given up on Yeshua and turned to new gods-money, technology, science, and control. They don't realize they have insulted not only themselves, but God. They willingly submit to mass hypnosis which keeps them under the spell of evil leaders who claim their souls and keep them subservient to satanic forces.

In past life regressions many years ago, the Author saw herself as an apostle who was close to Yeshua. She never told anyone about this life or other lifetimes, but they opened up new vistas in her current life that brought realization of new talents that could be reawakened.

And so began memories of her life as the Apostle John, not the Baptist, rather the one known as John the Beloved. Yeshua said many of her memories would be in the book as personal experiences and eye-witness accounts to healings, miracles, travels, and quiet moments of contemplation with the followers.

Yeshua Today: The Romans didn't want people to worship a God, Goddess, or anyone else except them. So it was then, and so it is now. They were the reptilians, the dracos, and the cabal. They later became the Nazis, the Bolsheviks, the communists, and the socialists in your countries. They are the same as they were when I walked with you in those days.

It has taken two thousand years for people to wake up to the slavery they live under. You incarnated now to clear the earth of these evil ones and deliver Gaia to her peaceful, loving Beauty she deserves.

A Message from Mary Magdalene: I have had so many lifetimes, always returning in forms to serve the Mother and to be a physical embodiment of love, of beauty, so being the Oracle at Delphi was my role appropriate to that time, when the seeker, shall we say, of which you were one, believed that they had to find one who had the wisdom, insight, the vision to guide them but the important part of this is the advancement of what we would call human and spiritual evolution that they have moved so far beyond this.

My Beloved Sisters and Brothers: None of you have come to the planet at this time to be hidden away, whether it is a temple, a cave or social isolation. You have not come to live that way. So what I say to you which is what I have said always - STEP FORWARD AND DECLARE YOUR FREEDOM and it is too DARN BAD if those who are nervous or insular do not like what you have to say.

IT IS TIME TO BE HEARD! It is time for your voice to ring out! It is the vibration that courses through the words. The vibration of love and yes the vibration of truth as well.

And there are many upon the planet even now who are experiencing the fulfillment of what they have been told long ago in Delphi.

This is the generation that is seeing Revelation come to fruition. Yeshua calls to You who feel lost, controlled, or beaten down by life. He tells You to not lose Hope. His Love is around You, sustained by the Holy Breath of God.

Jeri Castronova, PhD, Spiritual Psychologist, Award-Winning Author, Artist, Poet, World Traveler, Energy Healer and Mystic Channel for the Masters. Past Board Member of AZ Authors. Past President of Prescott Writers. Conference Presentations and Workshops: Sacred Egypt with Goddess Isis, Discovering Our Past Lives, Seducing the Muse, Freeing the Inner Goddess. As a Clinical Psychologist, she worked in psychiatric hospitals with the severely mentally ill designing treatment plans based on psychological testing, individual and group therapy, art and poetry therapy, and trained psychology interns. After several life-transforming experiences in Egypt, Israel, Italy, Britain, and Greece, her focus changed dramatically and she began working with the Divine Masters. With 30 years experience in the mystical healing arts, she is dedicated to opening the portals to inner sacred truth to enhance creativity, lift the veils on our talents and skills, and shine Yeshua’s and Mary Magdalene’s brilliance into our lives. Find out more about Jeri on her website: 

Monday, October 23, 2023

What’s in a Name? - by Robert Ronning

What's in a name?
That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet.”
Romeo & Juliet, Act II, scene 2

When people hear you do a bit of writing, naturally they want to know what you write. If it’s a book, they ask what it’s about or what it’s called. Let’s face it, a book needs a name with some pizazz. If you can’t come up with a snappy attention-getter, will a reader bother peeking at that first chapter you worried over?

There’s a lot riding on the name. Would a rose really smell as sweet to Juliet if Romeo called it a radish? We’re drawn to the sound as much as the scent of a rose. Labels matter. The Agony and the Ecstasy is an awesome title. But conjuring a title like that might have involved more agony than ecstasy.

There are tons of tips on how to come up with zippy labels that supposedly sell books. You can make a list of words and phrases relating to the story or characters. You alter and rearrange them as you write your story, until you have a good feel for the right combos. Then test market on your friends or beta readers; with any luck, you might end up owning that name. An original title might even end up a clichĂ© you and everybody else owns forever (Catch 22). Better to double check on Google or Amazon, where you could find authors who already “own” your title, from books published years ago. You end up in a Catch 22.

Titles are better when brief, relevant, and provocative, but not always all three. Take a 1970’s movie called Love and Pain and the Whole Damn Thing, hardly brief but so sweeping and all-encompassing it seems to embrace . . . well, every damn thing. Consider titles of books, movies, plays, and songs that really grab you. Some are simple and direct (Psycho), some a tad exotic (Casablanca). Imagine if Bogart had insisted on calling it Rick’s CafĂ© (or, even more inept, Everybody Comes to Rick’s, which sounds like a sitcom but actually was the title of the original play the film was based on.) Some hit on a core word or phrase (Spellbound) that echoes through your head with a certain tonal vibration just short of eliciting an ear worm. (The Spellbound soundtrack is kind of ear worm stuff.) Others stick with you (Rear Window), vivid images lingering in your mind’s eye long after a forgotten story. Some lure you in (Close Encounters of the Third Kind) as opposed to its earlier version (Watch the Sky), which might induce a stiff neck. Then there’s a special one for me (Sophie’s Choice) that compels you to read about the choice this Sophie person has to make. 

In future plagues, if and when, what provocative titles will help tell our stories? Lawrence Wright’s The End of October, a recently published thriller he imagined prior to COVID-19, tells of a virus that “brings the world to its knees.” Wright is an award-winning journalist and author; even so, such a scenario demands a doozy of a title to encompass the boredom, anxiety, terror, and death—and everything in-between—that would be heaped on humanity.

Audacity tempts me to launch my next project with a primal heading that I can build a story around. Writing instructors recommend the other way around—fit a title to what you’ve written. But scribes often practice a kind of reverse engineering, creating the very end of the story first, then a plot and characters to fit the ending. Why not a bolder approach: start with a title you adore and buckle up for a wild ride of crafting a whole story to fit it. What’s in a Name? by Robert Ronning 

I like to jot down terse phrases I consider rather catchy or curious, like, He Didn’t Know What Hit Him . . . It All Happened So Quickly . . . Gone in a Puff of Smoke . . . The Geeks Have a Word for It, the latter likely a slow nonfiction. Of course, there are titles relating to heartbreak and regret that authors keep using because they’re irresistible (Hindsight is 20/20). 

My list includes titles from old black and white Hollywood movies. Writer-director Preston Sturges had some winners (The Lady Eve, The Miracle of Morgan’s Creek) that don’t disappoint, especially when you learn in the latter film what the “miracle” is. While dictating his memoir at New York’s Algonquin Hotel, sadly, Sturges died of a heart attack. His memoir title proved prophetic: The Events Leading Up to My Death … not to mention inevitable.

French chanteuse Edith Piaf’s autobiography The Wheel of Fortune seems a rather humdrum title. But to match her stormy, passionate life of only 47 years, what could be better than the label for her collection of French songs: I Regret Nothing, words Piaf will own forever, a testament to a life of courage, passion and pain.

I’m unlikely ever to write a memoir, but Piaf inspires me with a title I might own. I could call it I Have Forgotten Everything. 

Robert Ronning is author of Wild Call to Boulder Field—An Arizona Trail Adventure. More of his writing can be found on his Web site 

Monday, October 16, 2023

Dip your toe into different waters - the short forms - by Karen Odden

 This past summer I worked on my new novel, and there were times when I felt like I was fighting it. This isn't normal for me. But I'm wrestling with some heavy themes that require delicate handling. At times, each paragraph felt overwrought and yet trite and underwhelming. I know when this happens, it means I need to step away and clear my head.

Hiking helps. Also, knitting. No joke, I'm like the mad hatter these days, knitting all these beanies. I need to make some more friends, so I have people to give them to!

Sometimes I step away by writing short essays and blog posts, and I've done a few this summer. One of them, on the tension between truth and verisimilitude in historical fiction, is HERE on Debra Goldstein's wonderful blog.

But this summer I decided to step away from that knotty novel by dipping my toe into the waters of short stories. Not because they're easy -- in many ways, they're more difficult. I tend to lean into historical context and backstory ... and there's not a lot of room for those in shorter fiction. Not to mention, if it's a mystery, fitting in all those twists can make the whole thing feel like a mutant pretzel.

Some years ago at the Tucson Book Festival I went to a panel on short stories, with four writers. And when an audience member asked, what's the difference between a novel and a short story, one of the panelists (I wish I could remember her name) responded with a story. She'd been a ranger in a national forest for some years. She patrolled a certain section and she knew every path, every tree, every waterhole, every animal track. One day she rounded a corner and saw a mountain lion. It growled, and she growled back; it showed its teeth, and she shouted, waving her pickaxe over her head; it took a step forward, and she held her ground, and eventually it turned and left. She concluded by saying that writing a novel is like patrolling a piece of ground, and a short story is like an encounter with a mountain lion.

I thought this was a fantastic metaphor for short stories -- brief, intense, and challenging, with very little back story! -- and it stuck with me. This summer, I wrote three short stories, exploring one of the themes from my novel in each one ... although of course I didn't figure that out until later. As usual, my writing shows me what I'm wrestling with better than I can see it myself.

To me, the short story is also akin to a playpen. Small, square, padded. With toys. Overhead mobiles with small, sparkly objects.

If you've written a short story you'd like to tell me about -- or if you have a good way to step back from your manuscript -- please share! email me at I'll share your tips (anonymously, if you like) in a future Tips column.

Karen Odden is a USA Today bestselling author; her latest book is Under A Veiled Moon, an Inspector Corravan mystery. For more writer’s tips and other news, subscribe to Karen’s newsletter or visit her website:

Monday, October 9, 2023

New Release: ANGEL GUARDIAN, Blue Phantom Book 2 - by Vijaya Schartz

Are Alien Angels watching?

There is a rumor that the forces of good are constantly protecting us from unspeakable evil, demon hordes, tyrannical galactic leaders, and unseen entities threatening to ravage unsuspecting planets.

Most believe these powerful angels are the stuff of legends… until they meet one.

ANGEL GUARDIAN, Book 2 in the Blue Phantom series, is the story of one such angel, who doesn’t remember who or what he is, or what he is supposed to accomplish. Deep inside, he believes he must carry on an important mission, but what is it?

The heroine is also an angel, but regrets her decision of becoming one. She enlisted to save her people, but she is not adapting well to the disciplined military lifestyle required of the crew of the angel ship Blue Phantom. She misses her family.

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In the Azura universe, the angels are luminous beings, humanoids or AIs, with retractable wings. They have powers of telepathy, teleportation, invisibility, and superhuman strength. They wield angel weapons driven by blue crystal technology. They report only to the “Formless One” and are tasked with keeping the balance of good and evil in the universe. These benevolent angels also do their best to protect the innocent from terrible calamities. 

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ANGEL GUARDIAN starts on the frozen world of Laxxar, a forced labor planet using slaves to mine salt. It was mentioned in the previous books mainly as a swearing expression “By the Frozen hells of Laxxar!”

This novel also introduces the Pandemonium Space Station, a moving den of iniquity harboring the scum of the universe, and ruled by a cyborg crime lord. Genetically enhanced big cats are trained to kill in the arena for the games, and publicly execute those condemned to death. The animals are kept in terrible conditions in cages. They can only feed on their victims. Two of these telepathic felines play an important role in this story as well.

As for the villainess of this novel, her name is Azfet, the ancient Egyptian goddess of chaos, the only survivor of her race, and she is determined to enslave this galaxy to reign supreme and be worshiped like the gods of old.

ANGEL GUARDIAN can stand alone, like all the other novels set in the Azura universe, (Azura Chronicles series, Byzantium Space Station series, Blue Phantom series). But if you are like me, you’ll want to read all the other books in these series as well:

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Happy Reading!

Vijaya Schartz, award-winning author
Strong Heroines, Brave Heroes, cats
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