Monday, February 17, 2025

NEW RELEASE: Zada 5 - Path of the One - by RD MORENO


Purchase on Amazon HERE

2024 International Impact Book Awards winner for Science Fiction/Fantasy - Space Adventures.
2024 Global Book Awards, a Silver Medal in the category Action & Adventure - Fantasy

Moreno expertly leverages classic genre tropes, especially the "Chosen One" motif. Connor is a relatable and complex protagonist, evolving from a young warrior into a figure of prophecy. His internal conflicts, including self-doubt and the burden of expectations, enrich his character, and his visions not only foreshadow future events but also reflect his growth and the pivotal choices he faces. The supporting cast is equally compelling. Adam’s bold loyalty and protective nature, Emily’s nurturing optimism, and Christina’s thoughtful ambition all contribute to a well-rounded and emotionally engaging ensemble. Their interactions add depth to the story and heighten the personal stakes.
Connor Balcazar has always lived in his brother Adam's shadow. But when a hidden power to see the future awakens within him, Connor is determined to prove himself. As a dark plot to overthrow Emperor Esteban is uncovered, the emperor's embittered brother, Lorenzo, leads an invincible army against the throne.
Adam races to uncover the truth of Lorenzo’s experiments while the emperor’s daughters, Christina and Emily, form an alliance to counter the threat. On the warlike planet Zada 5, Connor must not only train to match his brother but also fulfill an ancient prophecy—one that may be the galaxy's only hope.
Thrilling battles, unexpected allies, love, loss, and a destiny like no other await Connor. Will he survive the trials ahead to save the empire, or fall like so many before him? Dive into this epic space adventure and find out.

Married 30 years to a loving wife, R D enjoys the vibrant dynamics of a blended family, which includes five grown children and fourteen grandchildren. The Moreno household is lively, with two small dogs and a large macaw adding to the joy and energy of their home.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

New Book Release: The Night Bird by TJ Boyer and Elizabeth Ajamie-Boyer

Click on cover for amazon link

US Marshall Jay Adams is home with his wife when there's a knock on his front door. His son and two other US Marshalls come to get him. They are calling him back to field duty to track down a man that some are calling a mad scientist. People have been killed, buildings destroyed, and government secrets are missing. The government wants US Marshall Jay Adams to lead the team. Before he retired, he almost always got his man. He, with his son, and his son's team, board a specially designed airship--a dirigible. They go after one of the wealthiest men in the world, Doctor Sky. The scientist is now on the most dangerous man list with US Marshall Service. In their airship, powered by steam and an electric motor, they travel across the country just one step behind the Doctor.

TJ Boyer, best known for his Mirror Gate Chronicles, a Sci-Fantasy genre series, is from Phoenix, AZ. He is married to Elizabeth Ajamie-Boyer. With two children and three grandchildren, he has been writing and telling stories since he was in his teens. He and Elizabeth co-wrote The Mirror Gate Chronicles series and The Night Bird.  

Monday, February 10, 2025

Are we real? What is reality? - by Vijaya Schartz


Find these and many other novels of mine on my BWL page HERE

As a science fiction writer, I am fascinated by the new theories emerging from the scientific community, about the world we live in, about the universe.

What if the world we live in is just a dream? What if our dreams are real in another dimension? What if our minds are creating our reality as we go? What if we are pre-programmed characters in a gigantic videogame? What is Artificial intelligence, and can it evolve to our level, including emotions? These are only a few of the theories serious physicists are discussing in recent papers.

Many physicists today are reconsidering the world we live in, and discovering that what we believed for so long might not be true at all. The physical world is not as concrete as we think, since atoms vibrate, and what we consider solid matter may not be solid at all, but malleable and changing. What if by changing our own vibrations we can shapeshift? Some animals do it. An octopus can change color and shape for camouflage. Chameleons can change color to blend in.

The Octopus can mimic shapes and colors to blend into its environment.

Reality is also different when analyzed from different points of view. Two telescopes will reveal different and sometimes contradicting information about a galaxy, a star, or a planet. Perception is relative. Not everyone sees the colors the same way. Our brain is filling the blanks and might be quite creative about it. The world we see and touch and hear and taste, as well as our feelings, may only exist in our mind.

As we are limited by our perceptions, there may also be an entire world around us that we cannot see, hear, or touch. Life could exist around us in vibrations invisible to us. The eye only sees a very small part of the light spectrum.

This is how little we perceive of the light around us

Our mind is very powerful and can influence and even create our own reality. Negative thoughts create negative outcomes, and vice versa.

Have I scared you, yet?

Don’t worry. Training our brain to think in a positive way is beneficial to our health, our success, our happiness, our wellbeing. So, let’s see the good around us and be happy about it. React positively, be kind, nurture, encourage, ignore toxic people, and create your own bubble of positivity and love. Good luck.

In the meantime, you can read feel-good stories, like my science fiction novels, with plenty of action and adventures, strong heroines, and brave heroes… and always a satisfying ending.

amazon B&N - Smashwords - Kobo

amazon B&N - Smashwords - Kobo 

Happy Reading.

Vijaya Schartz, award-winning author
Strong Heroines, Brave Heroes, cats

Thursday, February 6, 2025

New Book Release: Big Ears Jack and Friends by Earl Vincent de Berge


Big Ears Jack and Friends is a collection of tall tales featuring extraordinary animals and plants from the Sonoran desert of Baja California. It is a literary experience for young readers that can help ignite a passion for the natural world. It's perfect for young readers, or for Moms whose children love to hear stories about animals.

Animal books have always been important in the lives of kids and favorite books for children of any age, from newborns to teens (even adults!). This new story book by award-winning author Earl Vincent de Berge is a collection of charming tales featuring animals and plants from the Sonoran desert of Baja California. Coyotes, foxes, boojum trees and bobcats are among the main characters in these enchanting fables, creating a rare book that is both entertaining and educational.

This new young reader fantasy book is an enchanting collection of 15 imaginative short stories celebrating the wild animals and plants that live in the hottest desert in the Americas, on the narrowest peninsula in the world, Baja California, Mexico.

The main character in these delightful stories is Big Ears Jack: a very big jackrabbit with huge ears -- and magical powers to use for good! Jack is the king of desert kindness, a good friend to all desert critters.

Among Jack’s friends readers will meet Nosey and Wag, mischievous coyote brothers; Blue Dasher, a racing dragonfly; the Kangaroo Rat Chorus; tree-lizard Boris; Giro the dust devil; Hawk Conchita and the red ants; Lady Treble Clef, a watchful cactus; Paulina, the puma poet; Diana the musical tarantula; Lady Chrona, a sea lion who dreams of flying; a scheming sea gull named Swindler; the beautiful bobcat Miss Mucha Purrs; Mr. Shellie the chatterbox tortoise; and Young Red Fox and his sweet love, the lovely rabbit Adorna -- along with many others.

And just for fun, a short essay is included about how to enjoy a hike or walk in the desert in a safe and respectful way.

About the author:
Arizona native, Earl de Berge is a writer, photographer and poet. His education includes Antioch College (BA) and U of Arizona (MA). A political scientist, he founded Behavior Research Center. created the respected Rocky Mountain Poll and was Editor for 35 years.

Writing poetry since 1959, he often focuses on his fascination with Sonoran Deserts.and his experiences in Guatemala’s post-civil war years. He draws inspiration from the environment, poverty, shadows, friendship, loneliness, hope, aging, coyotes, hawks, brigands, fools, danger and death. And of course, politics. Earl’s photographs, logbooks and essays reflecting on life experiences serve as foundations for his prose and poetry.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Inspiration by Jo Ann Crooks

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary1 explains that the word “inspiration” comes from the Latin word inspiratus, which means “to breathe into, inspire.” Originally, it referred to a divine influence on a person. Later, it came to mean “the drawing of air into the lungs,” which medical personnel still use. Only since the 19th century has it come to mean what it commonly means today, which is, “someone or something that inspires.”

Any of you who have written something, or any other creative act, have felt it. The quickening of the breath and heartbeat, the feeling that light or some kind of energy is entering you, and the excitement that something new is being created through you. I know you know what I am talking about.

Singer Jon Bon Jovi, when talking about his song “It’s My Life,” and how it resonated with so many people, said, “When you write a song like that and it hits that nerve, you don’t know where it comes from, or why, but if it comes from that pure place, chances are it’s gonna hit that pure place for someone else.”

Where does such “inspiration” come from?

I have come to believe that all artists—musicians, writers, actors, etc.—have one foot in the spirit world. What I mean is, they are open to inspiration from that “other place.” Being open to that sometimes makes us a little “unusual” to everyone else. There is a commonly-used quote, “There is a thin line between genius and insanity.”

Last December, I watched the movie The Man Who Invented Christmas, made in 2017. I had seen it advertised before, but thought it was about Santa Claus. Then I saw a preview on Amazon Prime and realized it was about the writing of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, so I finally watched it.

That movie was so liberating for me. I didn’t feel quite as “crazy,” or, at least, I realized I am in good company!

Anyone who has written a book will recognize the torture Dickens went through to write A Christmas Carol, including finding the inspiration, writing, rewriting, and rewriting again; dealing with a publisher, and the joy of holding his book in his hands for the first time, seeing an idea that began in his heart and mind manifested in a physical book.

I believe if something comes from that “pure place,” as Bon Jovi called it, it is timeless. We continue to value and cherish writing such as A Christmas Carol, the music of Bach, Beethoven, and others, works of art such as the Mona Lisa, the statue of David, and the paintings of van Gogh, after hundreds or even thousands of years, because they touch that “pure place” inside of us, because they are “inspired” works.

Jo Ann Crooks is a native Arizonan, born in Phoenix. She started writing poetry and winning awards while in grade school. In high school, she helped publish a poetry anthology, contributing several pieces. A former columnist for the Arizona Authors Digest, Jo Ann’s book is now available on

Monday, January 27, 2025

New Release: Write the Memoir You're Afraid to Write - by Patricia L. Brooks


Write the Memoir You’re Afraid to Write delves deep into tried-and-true methods to help you, as an aspiring writer, draft your compelling personal stories.

Patricia L. Brooks’ nonfiction content takes you down a path of analysis and reflection about your own story. She opens the window to a structured well-organized design that can be followed easily. She also reveals excerpts from her own experiences that transformed her life for the better.

Easy-to-implement activities at the end of each chapter help you capture the essence of the content. She teaches you how to go deeper into your heart and soul, to write with more depth and feeling, and to build connections with readers. This emotional impact paves the road to successful publication and loyal readership.

Patricia’s unorthodox way of foraging into memories leads you through instructions, examples, and tips essential to birth an exceptional memoir.

As an inspirational speaker, published author, workshop presenter and instructor at the Arizona State University Piper Writing Center, Patricia offers her latest non-fiction publication WRITE THE MEMOIR YOU'RE AFRAID TO WRITE. This book delves deep into tried-and-true methods to help you, as an aspiring memoir writer, draft your compelling personal stories.

Her first memoir, GIFTS OF SISTERHOOD, a journey from grief to gratitude centers around the grief of losing a sibling. This book earned her an AZ Authors Association Literary Contest Non-fiction award.

With her second memoir she serves as an advocate and speaker for domestic violence and love addiction awareness, with THREE HUSBANDS AND A THOUSAND BOYFRIENDS. She is passionate about her advocacy work and also provides a workshop on gratitude journal writing.

Her third memoir, SICK AS MY SECRETS, covers her spiritual transformation and recovery journey of over 40 years from alcohol. She speaks openly in the community on the topic of women and alcoholism.

Monday, January 20, 2025

New Release: The Irish Girl - by Ashley E. Sweeney


From multi-award-winning historical fiction author Ashley E. Sweeney comes a family saga about the Irish immigrant experience spanning New York, Chicago, and Colorado so compelling that, USA Today best-selling author Kelli Estes says, “I read this story in one sitting.”

Thirteen-year-old Mary Agnes Coyne, forced from her home in rural Ireland in 1886 after being accused of incest, endures a treacherous voyage across the Atlantic alone to an unknown life in America. From the tenements of New York to the rough alleys of Chicago, Mary Agnes suffers the bitter taste of prejudice for the crime of being poor and Irish.

After moving west to Colorado, Mary Agnes again faces hardships and grapples with heritage, religion, and matters of the heart. Will she ever find a home to call her own? Where?

Ashley E. Sweeney is the award-winning author of Eliza Waite and Answer Creek, both winning multiple awards including the Nancy Pearl Book Award and the New Mexico-Arizona Book Award. Hardland is her third novel. A native New Yorker and graduate of Wheaton College in Norton, Massachusetts, she now spends winters in Tucson, Arizona and summers in the Pacific Northwest. She is at work on her fourth novel, based on the life of her Irish great-grandmother who lived in the American West in the 1880s and 1890s. Sweeney is a member of Western Writers of America, Women Writing the West, Pacific Northwest Authors Association, Arizona Authors Association, Historical Novel Society, and Story Circle Network. You can reach her at

Monday, January 13, 2025

New Release: China Gate - The Year of the Dragon - by Frank G. Davis


Joshua Brown and his team have been tasked with fighting The War on Crime. A war has begun in China and a Taiwanese triad has taken advantage of the situation. In the mountains near Taipei the Heavenly Way Alliance triad has new leaders. They use the China war as a distraction to expand their drug trade and other deadly opportunities in America. The Wu brothers, Yen and Li, begin their assault on Chinatown in Portland, Oregon. They estimate it will be an easy target to begin their growth. But things don’t go as planned. As the Lunar New Year approaches, Uncle Chen was a bigger challenge than they had imagined.

The author of 13 science fiction books, Frank G. Davis began reading science fiction in elementary school, favoring Robert Heinlein to the degree that he currently has all of Heinlein’s books in his library. He began writing his own novels when COVID 19 trapped him in his home office. As soon as he felt safe leaving the house, he joined Inklings at the Vista Grande Library in Casa Grande, meeting twice a month. One member gave him the name of an editor/publisher, and before 2020 was out, he had published his first book—a series of short stories. His latest novel is the sixth book in his War on Crime series. 

Monday, January 6, 2025

Holidays in the rear-view mirror - Happy 2025 - by Vijaya Schartz


My latest release, Standalone, Find it at BWL
or at: amazon B&N - Smashwords - Kobo

For most, the holidays are a busy time, with parties, guests, food, shopping, drinks, presents, travels, family, friends, charities, and some work in between. I try to avoid most of that and only accept invitations from very good friends. This picture was taken the 20th, with JD Shipton, my BWL editor, and other BWL authors living in Arizona.

From left to right: Beverly Petrone, Vijaya Schartz, JD Shipton, Dean Hovey and his wife Julie

December 27th also happens to be my birthday. A rotten date for a kid expecting presents, but hey, that’s life. The picture was taken at Macayo’s with the traditional birthday hat and baked ice-cream. My Tai-Chi students surprised me with a birthday celebration in early December.


I do put up a Christmas tree… which Pasha (my feline companion) enjoys very much, especially at night when I’m not watching. On the picture (bottom right) he looks innocent enough, but believe me, he is not. Every morning, I find ornaments on the floor, all the way under the furniture. Maybe I spoiled him, holding and kissing him and telling him I love him even when he has been naughty. My philosophy is: cats will be cats.

The truth is, I’m a hermit at heart (typical Capricorn), and when I have a few days off, I like to lock myself in my cave and write… especially when I am starting a new series, like right now. Immersing myself in the story, without interruptions or obligations, is essential for my muse. My title coming next year will be about a group of Protectors, on another planet, after a cataclysm almost destroyed it. The philosophical background will be Tai-Chi.

I hope this holiday season finds you healthy, happy, loved, and surrounded by warmth (or snow if that’s what you like). Wishing you happiness, good health, and success for the year 2025.

Check out my latest series: amazon B&N - Smashwords - Kobo

Happy New Year

Vijaya Schartz, award-winning author
Strong Heroines, Brave Heroes, cats

Monday, December 23, 2024

Arizona 2024 Literary Awards Event

 On November 2, about 40 guests enjoyed camaraderie and plentiful food and drink at the Arizona Authors Association Literary Awards Reception, held at the home of AAA Vice President and Literary Contest Coordinator Jane Ruby.

Jane graciously contributed the considerable cost of renting the tables and chairs that dotted her spacious back yard. AAA President Emeritus Toby Heathcotte was on hand to present award certificates and cash prizes to winners of the 2024 contest.

The free event was livestreamed on Facebook, courtesy of our resident tech-wizard, Daniel Dickinson. Kebba Buckley Button circulated throughout the afternoon, to photo-capture the festivities.

Former Broadway musical theater actress and outgoing AAA Editor in Chief Penny Orloff acted as Master of Ceremonies, entertaining the crowd with quips and stories as she announced the prizes in each of the many contest categories. Penny, herself, had contributed $1000 toward prize money to make the contest as appealing as possible to entrants

Eva Moon’s novel, Pinocchio’s Guide to the End of the World, won the $500 Grand Prize. Other top prize winners of $200 each were Jessie Thorpe for her published novel, Bolton Roper; Jack Wulfen for his short story, Cats Know; and Judy Paris for her published children’s book, Not Funny, Harvey.

Other cash prize winners were DeVonna Allison, Bart Ambrose, Dan Baldwin, Stephen Bowling, McKenzie Catron-Pichan, Earl Vincent deBerge, Wayne Edwards, Rosemarie Garlasco, Anne Hanovich, Marsha Klopmeier-Tufft, Susan Krause, Lawrence Lenhart, Eileen Mahoney, Nancy Hicks Marshall, Jessica McCann, Isabella Sardas, Jacque Shaw, Cita Stelzer, Diane Vaszily, Steve Weitzenkorn, and Julie Wendt. For the complete list of winners, go to and click “winners.”

The annual AAA Literary Contest welcomes authors of published and unpublished novels, nonfiction works, and novellas; unpublished essays, short stories, and poetry; and published Young Adult and children’s books. The 2025 contest opens January 1, 2025. To enter, go to and click on Contest.

To Purchase a Copy of our 2025 Arizona Authors Literary Awards Magazine, please click on the cover in the right column.

Monday, December 16, 2024

Starting a new series involving Tai-Chi - by Vijaya Schartz


Find more of my books on the BWL site HERE

I wrote many series, mainly science fiction and fantasy, and each time I say goodbye to one to start another, it’s a bittersweet experience. I am sad for leaving the angel ship Blue Phantom behind. It’s like letting go of grownup children so they can have their own life.

I wrote three series in the Azura universe, populated with strong heroines, brave heroes, and galactic supervillains: Azura Chronicles, Byzantium, and Blue Phantom. In that universe, Avenging Angels with special powers fought sinister entities to maintain the balance of good and evil throughout their galaxy. I find it difficult to leave that special world behind. But in this vast universe, I can imagine many worlds and civilizations coexisting very far apart. The new worlds I create now might even collide with the old ones at some point.

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Write about what you know is one of the golden rules of writing. I was always a Martial Artist, and maybe you can tell from my female warriors and epic battle scenes. But for well over a decade, I’ve also immersed myself in the world of Tai-Chi, the way of the peaceful warrior, and the energy of Chi-Gong. I studied, I practiced daily, and now, although I remain a lifetime student, I have also become a teacher.

Celebrating Global Tai-Chi Day in the park, with a few of my students.

So, I came up with a premise for a three-book series called THE PROTECTORS. The setting will be a post-apocalyptic planet after a cataclysmic event that wiped out most of the population. As the planet recovers slowly, the feudal society is reorganizing around the populated hubs, and among the surviving nobles, the race for power is on. Soldiers are recruited to fight the barbarians unfurling on the plains. Their weapons of choice are the sword, the spear, the bow, and they ride horses.

The heart of the series is a Tai-Chi temple built like a fortress atop a steep outcrop in the desert. At the main courtyard entrance, between two giant stone pillars, is a Celestial Gate, constructed eons ago by space travelers from other parts of the universe.

The Protectors are a special corps of elite warriors trained at the temple and sworn to protect the gate.

There will be plenty of action and adventure, some scary characters, a little romance, intrigue, and drama. Things and people are not always what they seem. But even if you get scared for the main characters, good will prevail over evil forces at the very end.

I’m enjoying plotting and writing this new series. The first book will be released in November 2025. You still have time to read my other books.

amazon B&N - Smashwords - Kobo

Happy reading!

Vijaya Schartz, award-winning author
Strong Heroines, Brave Heroes, cats

Monday, December 9, 2024

A Glance Back: Rodo Sofranac Remembers AAA’s Beginning


Internationally celebrated writer of groundbreaking books on the business practices, traditions, and languages of China, Japan, Korea, and Mexico, Boye Lafayette De Mente founded the Arizona Authors Association in 1978 and became its first president. He established a monthly newsletter and brought famous authors, agents, editors, publishers, and book distributors from around the country to Arizona to lead spring and fall writers’ seminars under the AAA banner. Within one year, De Mente had recruited over 400 members into the AAA. The following year, he created the annual Arizona Literary Contest and the Arizona Literary Magazine. While leading the AAA for the next seven years, De Mente continued as a prolific writer and small press publisher, becoming an approved vendor for leading U.S. bookstores, and shipping books to Australia, Japan, Europe, and South Africa.

Current AAA member Rodo Sofranac was brought into the AAA by De Mente during the early years of the organization. He kindly offers his memories of those crucial first years, and his ideas for the future of the organization.

Rodo: In the early 80s Boye came to address a creative writing workshop I had enrolled in at Paradise Valley Community College. He was forthright, unpretentious; he advised us to write from the heart, and not to look for fame and fortune. These admonitions were exactly what I had needed to hear—I had wanted to write children’s books, and my wife had joked that I shouldn’t leave my day job!

Boye expressed his belief that you don’t achieve anything all by yourself; he advised us not to hesitate to call on others for advice. At the time he was trying to get the AAA going as a collaborative organization, where writers could share ideas, share successes and defeats, prop each other up. He felt that the meaning of life is in building relationships, that one’s life is defined by building relationships. That was Boye’s philosophy for AAA.

A great highlight of the early years was the acknowledgment that Arizona wasn’t just a hick state with dirt and cacti, that its diversity in geology, plants, and animals extended to its people—especially regarding thought and philosophy. Boye brought widely diverse people together to share each other’s work. One suddenly felt not so alone as a writer. The communal feeling among the members was the big highlight of those early years.

About eight years ago the organization felt a bit like parents going through a divorce. But through the strength and resilience of the group, we snapped back and continued to be there for each other. As Boye had originally intended, the organization offers mutuality and relationships. I find it easy to recommend AAA to other writers—it’s financially economic to join, and there are lots of activities to participate in, lots of opportunities to learn and to teach, to pass on knowledge. That’s what distinguishes people from animals: the proclivity to pass on learning.

There’s so much talent in Arizona. I’d like to see relationships develop with Amazon and B&N, where local authors are celebrated and promoted. I’d like to see the independent community bookstores feature events with local authors. Maybe AAA could do more along those lines, could do a bit more to promote the purchase of books from local authors. I’d like to see AAA develop relationships with the schools, creating opportunities for speakers/readers, who would make presentations for minimum stipends and create markets for their books. AAA could help organize that.

With a degree in psychology from Cornell University, Phoenix resident Rodo Sofranac also has a teacher certification from Cleveland State and an MBA from ASU. Born in Montenegro—formerly Yugoslavia—Rodo fled with his family to Austria, later immigrating to the US. A writer, teacher, trainer, and translator, he has over 45 years of business, education, and community experiences. He was executive director of Phoenix Habitat for Humanity, and has chaired various local, state, and national organizations. For eight years Rodo was the program director for AZ Leader Force, bringing together political, business, faith, and other community stakeholders around Quality of Life issues. As a private sector volunteer, he has been involved in policy research and formation in the area of workforce development. Elected National Chair, he worked closely with the National Governors’ Association, Departments of Labor and Education, Congress members, public and private economic development organizations, and workforce development and education agencies from the local to the international levels. See 

Monday, December 2, 2024

New Release: Until Italy: A Traveler's Memoir - by Debra VanDeventer


Find it on Amazon HERE

Her life was calm, comfortable, predictable… Until Italy

Debra has settled into a routine in retirement—planning meals in advance, scheduling laundry and grocery shopping days, and eating lunch in the same local sandwich shop. She lives her life in a bubble. A bubble that is slowly suffocating her. On the eve of a monumental birthday, she decides she must escape. Her ticket: Italy.

Along with an endearing cast of supporting characters—husband Ed and best friends Anne and Scott—Debra leaves familiar ground behind in search of adventure. How far is she willing to go? Travel with Debra as she swigs limoncello in Sorrento, ponders the mysteries of Pompeii, explores the Amalfi coast, copes with loss on the Mediterranean shore, abandons a sight-seeing bus in Sicily, considers Italian lingerie, and finds her way to sunrise over Venice.

Through Debra’s eyes, you will experience the challenges and adventures of an ordinary traveler transformed by an extraordinary country.

Debra VanDeventer is a storyteller. This skill, along with her passion for reading and writing, have served her well in her experiences as an educator. Now, she focuses her creative energy into writing. Her style can best be described as creative non-fiction as small moments bloom into words. Debra is the author of two books: "Out of the Crayon Box: Thoughts on Teaching, Retirement, and Life" and "Until Italy: A Traveler's Memoir". She is an active member of the Oro Valley Writers' Forum and has published in both of their anthologies. In addition, her short stories have appeared in the "Desert Leaf" and "Oro Valley Style" magazines. "Out of the Crayon Box" was selected to be featured at the 2024 Tucson Festival of Books.

Visit Debra's Blog:

Monday, November 25, 2024

New Release: OJ's MOON - Untold True Stories from the Other side - by B.T. Wedemeyer


Find it on Amazon HERE

A few years ago, Brian Wedemeyer, an elementary school principal in rural Arizona, is watching a documentary about the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman when a question suddenly pops into his head. He expects to get a quick answer on his cell phone, but it is nowhere to be found. A former journalist, Wedemeyer does not give up. However, as he painstakingly searches through court transcripts from both criminal and civil trials, he uncovers some unbelievable stories on the other side of O.J.'s MOON. These stories are unknown to most followers of the biggest murder case in America's history because public attention is often fixated on the bright side of the moon -- whether or not O.J. did it. You know, the usual ... gloves, DNA, 911 calls and Mark Fuhrman. However, as Wedemeyer will soon learn, there is plenty more to talk about on the flip side of the "Mezzaluna," which stands for crescent moon in Italian.

Wedemeyer is the only person outside of law enforcement to interview Tom Lang, Nicole's neighbor from down the street. Prior to his death in 2021, legendary attorney F. Lee Bailey describes Lang as the "most compelling witness" of the O.J. Simpson murder trial -- but, for some reason, never takes the stand. Lang, a highly successful general contractor tasked with helping rebuild Los Angeles after an earthquake, is a very credible witness who was standing on the corner of Bundy Drive and Dorothy Street just minutes before the murders take place. In this book, Lang reveals, first-hand, exactly what he saw that night, and what does not happen afterward.

Wedemeyer also goes beyond one of many conspiracy theories to figure out exactly what happened to Michael Nigg, a former Mezzaluna waiter who knew Goldman and even hooked him up with a job at the restaurant. Nigg, who left Mezzaluna for a job at a popular Beverly Hills nightclub, is shot to death by thieves on Sept. 8, 1995 while on a date with his girlfriend. Michael's case receives very little media attention over the years and remains unsolved to this day. Wedemeyer is hoping somebody out there knows something, and that justice for Michael will eventually prevail.

Finally, this book will also reveal for the first time publicly the tragic story of Peter Argyris -- one of Ronald Goldman's best friends -- who falls to drug addiction after he and his mother are charged with arson resulting in death and insurance fraud. Just days before his trial is set to begin, Peter overdoses on cocaine.

This is not a book about O.J.'s guilt or innocence, although some of its details might sway your opinion one way or another. Instead, follow Wedemeyer in his primitive spaceship to the flip side of the O.J. moon, where some very intriguing stories are just now becoming unearthed.

Brian Wedemeyer is a former journalist now working as an elementary school principal in rural Arizona. He served as an Air Force photojournalist in Operation Desert Storm before working as a reporter and editor for nearly 20 years in Central California and Arizona. Wedemeyer had one question a few years ago about the O.J. Simpson murder case, and his search for the answer led him along an unbelievable journey and his first book, titled "OJ's MOON: Untold True Stories from the Other Side." He is a very active volunteer in his community, and serves as vice commander of his local VFW Post. He is a loving husband and father.